South Florida Staffing Group already has an enormous network of talent in your area that we have built over time and we may already be in contact with a candidate who would fit your hiring needs perfectly.

South Florida Staffing excels at finding qualified candidates. We understand the industry you work in, and are able to find candidates that you never would have been able to find on your own. We will take the time to interview and pre-qualify these candidates only introducing you to precise matches.

Our perm fees range from 10% – 18% and our consulting fees are equally as affordable. Furthermore, you’ll no longer need to pay to post ads, or pay your staff to review resumes.

Whether you need one person or an entire team, we have professionals in your area with a wide array of expertise.

Our Services Include:

  • Direct/Perm Placement
  • Contract Staffing
  • Contract to Hire Staffing

And More

  • Our firm is fully covered with Liability, Professional, and Workers & Comprehension Insurance
  • Our firm is fully covered with Medical Malpractice Insurance for healthcare/medical positions.

Our Fees are as follows:

Perm Fee

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30-Day Payment Terms

90-Day Guarantee

Discounted Perm Fee

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10-Day Payment Terms

60-Day Guarantee

Pre-Paid Retainer

Place Order Now


Paid Prior to Search Efforts

90-Day Guarantee

Select the fee, payment terms and guarantee that best suits you. Within 1 hour, one of our Recruiters will contact you to make a formal introduction, answer any of your questions and provide you the applicable placement agreement. After receiving your signed placement agreement, we will then immediately begin our search efforts on your behalf.


Holiday Pricing

South Florida Staffing is offering  discounted holiday pricing through the end of the year

Prepaid Retainer Fee -10%